Am I able to leave the research project after it has begun?
Yes, you are always able to leave the research project, even though it has begun. You are not committed in any way and have not signed any contract to participate. You do not have to provide us with a reason as to why you wish to quit the research project. However, the researchers might benefit from this information, as they might want to use your reason not to participate, for other research projects.
You will receive an informed consent document, which informs you about the process of the research project, as well as relevant information, such as the duration of the study, possible side effects and potential benefits.
If you do not wish to participate in the research project after the initial interviews, we respect this decision. If you want to participate and you sign the informed consent document but subsequently do not want to complete the study, we also respect this decision. You should feel safe and want to go through with the study because you wish to do so and not because of pressure. You always have the option to stop participating in a research project if you want to.
It is important that you are clarified with your own expectations to the research project for you to become comfortable with the process. We recommend that you write down as many thoughts and questions as possible, which you and your doctor can go through together in the initial interview.