Why passive smoking is harmful

Why passive smoking is harmful

As you probably already know, the dangers of smoking do not limit themselves to those who smoke. Instead you become exposed to these dangers as a passive smoker – when you inhale the smoke from other people. A research group from Glostrup Hospital in Denmark have shown how the smoke from passive smoking damages the blood vessels of the brain and heart as well as how it increases the risk of blood clots.

As a passive smoker, you are at greater risk of developing serious diseases - i.e. apoplexy, brain blood clots, and cancer. In fact, the risk is almost as great as if you were an active smoker. The research group from Glostrup Hospital have discovered what happens when you are exposed to passive smoking. What happens, when you are near an active smoker and within the same area of the polluted air, is that the number of distinct signals in the blood vessels of the brain and the heart’s coronary artery increases as soon as you breathe the air. The polluted air contains fat-soluble particles, and these are actually the cause of the disease development. In other words, the body’s blood vessels contain some receptors on the inside which control the blood vessels’ ability to contract and form fat deposits. 

When the blood vessels are exposed to this polluted air with fat-soluble particles, the number of receptors, which interpose between the cells, increases. Further, there is a significant risk that children can develop asthma and other airway infections if their parents are active smokers. For adults, there are more serious diseases that can occur. Therefore, it is very important to show consideration for your fellow human beings if you decide to smoke in public places with other adults and children present.

The tobacco smoke consists of more than 7000 different substances that are cancer-causing. It is important to keep in mind that even when the cigarette is stubbed, there may still be high concentrations of the harmful substances in the air. Passive smoking also leaves its mark in the body, the hair and the urine. Therefore, you cannot just ventilate the health damages away; even thorough ventilation will not remove the risk of developing serious diseases. The substances within the tobacco smoke are not visible, and thus you cannot see that they actually settle in the dust, on the floor and on furniture, which means that they spread throughout the room. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that we human beings are better off with clean air. 



  1.  https://www.cancer.dk/forebyg/rens-luften/viden-om-passiv-rygning/

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