Why ADHD patients should make healthier lifestyle choices

Why ADHD patients should make healthier lifestyle choices

ADHD occurs in 5% of all children, primarily in boys, and the condition is often causing problems when going into adulthood. To relieve the symptoms, it is recommended to create a sense of regularity in the everyday life. However, an American study now shows that the recommendations for a healthy lifestyle are not followed by the patients, which may contribute to a worsening of the condition.

ADHD is short for ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’, and it is a neuropsychiatric state of development that often occurs during childhood. The condition is characterized by attention difficulties, hyperactivity and impulsivity, which further hinders the social function in the person. Often, the symptoms change with age, and they can even disappear completely. The condition may be caused by both genetic and environmental factors. Among the environmental factors, especially alcohol and smoking during pregnancy have shown to be associated with a child’s ADHD.


A lifestyle that does not follow the recommendations

An American study published in May 2016 investigated different lifestyle factors among patients with ADHD as an unhealthy lifestyle is believed to contribute directly to the core symptoms of ADHD as well as other health issues.

The investigation showed that children with ADHD follow fewer of the recommendations for a healthy lifestyle than children without the condition. This suggests that the children with ADHD can benefit from improving their lifestyle choices to the healthier kind. Children with ADHD drank significantly less amounts of water than those without ADHD. On the other hand, the ADHD-children’s consumption of juice with artificial sweeteners was bigger, and this is something that earlier studies have shown to contribute to the core symptoms of ADHD.

As reading reduces the time spent watching TV and since it also improves general knowledge, this factor was also examined in the study. Here, it showed that the ADHD-children spent more time in front of the TV and less time reading books than those without ADHD. This is a concern, as new studies have shown a connection between the number of hours watching TV or playing video games, and symptoms of ADHD, as well as poor sleep rhythms. The current recommendations suggest that children spend less than 1-2 hours in front of the TV each day, and that children should not be able to watch TV in their bedroom.

In addition, the study showed that children with ADHD spent more time in front of the TV and less time being physically active than those without ADHD. Physical activity is generally important for maintaining concentration, mood and other ADHD symptoms. The children may miss out on participation in sports and play, due to potentially negative social interactions with other children, but the study suggests that this can be remedied with more individual types of sport. The recommendations suggest a minimum of 1 hour of exercise each day.

The study further observed a connection between poor sleep and ADHD, which is not only because of the medicine used for the condition. A lifestyle dominated by watching TV - especially before bedtime - caffeine and too little physical activity, can all have negative influence on your sleep rhythm, and these factors should therefore be taken into consideration regarding improving sleep. It has been shown that sleep can be improved by introducing specific bedtimes, fixed routines, removal of all electronic devices in the bedroom and no caffeine. These fixed routines can reduce the symptoms of ADHD.

For a child between the age of 6 and 13 years, 9-11 hours of sleep is recommended. Based on these observations, the study has concluded that children with ADHD are living a life with more inappropriate lifestyle choices than children without ADHD. Researchers therefore suggest that the field should be investigated further to see if a change in lifestyle factors can relieve ADHD-patients of their symptoms. Until then, it is important that the patient with ADHD and his/her parents, relatives and friends support the idea of making lifestyle changes that contribute to a healthier life with fewer influences of the condition’s symptoms.



1) http://www.netdoktor.dk/sygdomme/fakta/damp.htm

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