What's the best time to exercise?

What's the best time to exercise?

Do you know the feeling of not being able to sleep in the evening? You may be tired - time passes, but you are unable to sleep. If you know this feeling, you might benefit from moving your training to earlier in the day or begin working out in the morning.

The effect of hormones

By exercising in the morning, your body releases the hormone called ‘Melatonin’, also known as the ‘sleep hormone’. This can help you fall asleep faster in the evening and sleep better, according to a Ph.D. study from the Danish University of Aarhus.

For most people, it requires that they get up earlier if they want to work out, meaning they may be reluctant to do so. Though it may be difficult to persuade the body to get up earlier than usual, it can prove to be worth it, if wish to get more out of the day. Among other things, exercise contributes to the body releasing hormones, herein adrenaline, which makes you awake and ready for a new day full of hurdles.

During exercise, other hormones are released as well, which can help get you started and keep you energetic throughout the day. The mental breath you experience after training can enhance your ability to solve problems, and thus you can benefit from training before work. In addition to adrenaline, the following hormones are released:

  • Serotonin: This is known as a ‘hormone of joy’, as depression is associated with too low levels of serotonin. It helps your brain to function.
  • Dopamine: This is a ‘reward hormone’ that is released when you experience something nice and expect to do so.
  • Noradrenaline, Endorphins and Cortisol: These are ‘stress hormones’ just like adrenaline. Among other things, endorphins are pain relieving and give you a feeling of desire and energy.


Light is important

It is important that your morning workout is done outdoors, because even though a morning workout itself can enhance your energy level, there is no artificial light that can boost your circadian rhythm.


Performance is best later during the day

If you do not have issues with your circadian rhythm or performing at work but think more about the results of your training session, you can benefit from working out later in the day, according to several studies. This is thought to be due to the body having access to more nutrients this time of the day.


Increased fat burning

In addition to a better circadian rhythm and an increased energy level, you can increase your metabolism slightly by working out in the morning, after having fasted during the night - however, the effect of this is minimal.

On the other hand, you should be careful working out too late in the evening, as it can reduce your appetite for up to an hour. It is important to get sugar and protein after workouts if you want to build muscle, because if you have a loss of appetite, it may be difficult to fill up on your nutrient- departments after a late workout. Furthermore, it can be difficult to fall asleep after working out due to the hormones being released from it.

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