Sjögren's syndrome – how to help yourself

Sjögren's syndrome – how to help yourself

Do you know the feeling of having a dry mouth? This is just one of the symptoms that patients with Sjögren's syndrome live with daily. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to relieve the symptoms. Find advice in the article.

Some frequent annoyances associated with Sjogren's syndrome are dry oral mucosa, poor dental status, muscle and joint pain, as well as dry eyes, nose, throat and upper respiratory tract. In addition, women may experience a dry vagina. One of the best ways to deal with the symptoms of Sjogren's syndrome is by assuming a proactive role in the treatment itself. Here is some advice on how to deal with the symptoms seen in Sjögren's syndrome.


1. Against dry mouth and poor dental status

It can help wetting the mouth by frequently taking small sips of water during the day. Chewing sugar-free gum or hard, sugar-free wine gums stimulates saliva production, and this can also contribute to a moister oral mucosa - the same applies to sugar-free pastilles, chewing tablets and lozenges. The saliva production is heavily reduced when you have Sjögren's syndrome.

In addition to moisturizing the oral mucosa, the salivary production is also very important for a good dental status, as saliva works as an anti-bacterial agent and helps to break down food residue. Therefore, it is important to have a good oral hygiene in order to prevent cavities. Products with the artificial sweetener 'xylitol' help prevent tooth decay. Conversely, lemon juice and food, as well as soft drinks with a high sugar content, are not advised as they increase the risk of tooth erosion and cavities. Very spicy food or tobacco can also exacerbate the annoyances in the mouth.

At the same time, it is important to get frequent dental check-ups, and you can also ask your dentist for advice on good products with fluoride, which can be used to treat dry mouth. You can discuss whether fluoride treatment is necessary with your doctor. This can be in the form of chewing gum, mouthwash, toothpaste or extra fluoride or fluoride varnish. It is also very important to thoroughly brush your teeth with an electric toothbrush, and this should be done after every meal along with dental floss.


2. Against dry eyes

At the pharmacy, you can buy eye drops against dry eyes, which can be taken daily. They can help keep the mucous membrane moist and prevent eye discomfort. You can also wipe your eyes with gel or ointment in the evening before going to bed.


3. Against dry nose and upper respiratory tract

You can buy specific nasal sprays at the pharmacy, containing saline, and these can safely be used several times a day to relieve the discomfort of dry mucous membranes in the nose and upper respiratory tract.


4. Against pain in the joints and muscles

It is important to let your joints rest when they are swollen and painful, as it helps to reduce the inflammation state of the joints and relieve the fatigue that the inflammatory reaction is often accompanied by. In addition, it is important to move the joints regularly. Before exercising, it is recommended that you contact your doctor or physiotherapist to ensure that you do not perform exercises that harm more than they benefit. If the joints are not used, they will become stiff and the degree of movement will decrease. With a professional training program, tailored to your specific needs, you will be able to stay physically active, thus stimulating and keeping your muscles flexible and strong without overloading or damaging the joints. Additionally, there are several types of arthritis medicine to treat joint and muscle pain, but the type of remedy and right dosage to take should be discussed with your doctor.


5. Against a dry vagina

It is recommended that you do not use Vaseline or other oil-based creams, as they increase the risk of infections in your abdomen. Instead, you can get vaginal creams or tablets containing estrogen. These work effectively against dryness in the vagina.




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