Cure for chronic colds

Cure for chronic colds

Many people suffer, or will come to suffer, from a chronic cold. It’s a condition which affects the sinuses and lowers a person’s quality of life. Although unknown to most people, it is actually possible to cure chronic colds.

It is likely that everyone has had a cold at some point. The feeling that your nose is blocked, that your head is about to explode and that you cannot breathe properly. The nose is runny and this slowly drains all your energy. Heavy headaches, problems with balance, poor sleep quality and general discomfort – not exactly a desirable situation. Even though only a temporary situation for most people, this sadly does not apply to everybody.

Imagine that this condition is permanent – a chronic cold is a debilitating condition affecting many people. The cause remains unknown, but it is possibly due to allergies, mould fungus, or a common cold. According to Claudia Becker, who is an ear, nose and throat specialist, many of the affected patients can be helped using simple surgery. She says that the condition often occurs at the ages between 35-55 years, but only few of the affected patients know about the operation. Mentally, a chronic cold can affect a patient’s social conditions at work and his or her personal life negatively, but it has permanent physiological consequences as well. Among other things, the lungs may be damaged as a result of the severe strain on the body.

The operation used to treat the condition is performed in the sinuses which are opened, so mucus and inflammation are able pass freely and the nasal mucosa and the sinuses become more robust. Once again, the sinuses can be cleared, it is possible to breathe, and the function of the nasal mucosa is re-established. Before the operation, it is however recommended to first try nasal sprays or antibiotics which have proven beneficial for many patients. The most effective remedies are prescription-only, and therefore Claudia Becker recommends that you see a doctor about your problem.

If you are one of many who suffer from a chronic cold, but did not know about the treatment options or did not know that it is considered an illness, and therefore simply thought it was a persistent long-standing cold, now you know that it is in fact possible to get rid of the debilitating symptoms.





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