A bit of sugar is good for elder people’s memory

A bit of sugar is good for elder people’s memory

New research shows that if you are 65, sugar can improve different functions in the brain. However, the same is not true if you are younger.

There is no doubt that too much sugar is unhealthy. However, a bit of sugar has proven to boost memory, along with other functions, in the elderly. This is the conclusion of a new study from the English University of Warwick.

In addition to an improved memory, a little sugar also leads to heightened motivation and mood in the elderly. The improvements are a result of a temporary increase in blood glucose, when consuming sugar.

The scientist gave two different groups of test subject – a young group, where the members where 18-27 years of age, and a group of 65-82 years of age - a drink with a small amount of sugar in it. After drinking the glucose drink, the test subjects were asked to solve different problems that tested the memory. In addition, there were a control group whom were given a drink containing an artificial sweetener, in order to test whether the sugar made the difference.


Makes no difference on the young memory

The results showed that the subjects in the elderly group scored higher in the memory test, if they had the added sugar in their blood. Beside scoring higher on the test, the scientists could also, with the aid of a mood test, conclude that the elderly felt better after ingesting sugar.

In the 18-27 years of age, there were no significant difference in their memory or mood, after having ingested sugar. However, there was one thing which changed in both the elderly and the young. After ingesting sugar, both groups were significantly more engaged in the test.


The results should be discounted

Especially the increased motivation is of interest to the scientist behind the study. One of the reasons why, is that elderly better maintain their faculties, including memory, if they challenge their brains – one could say they remain strong by exercising the brain, as if it were a muscle. According to the scientists, this is why it is important that we now know better how to motivate the elderly.

“Over the years, studies have shown that actively engaging with difficult cognitive tasks is a prerequisite for the maintenance of cognitive health in older age. Therefore, the implications of uncovering the mechanisms that determine older adults’ levels of engagement cannot be understated.”, says Konstantinos Mantantzis from the University of Warwick in a press release.


Should we just eat lots of sugar then?

Previous studies have shown that increase blood glucose levels, improve the elderly’s confidence and mood. And the results from the new study could help explain the reason behind those findings – namely the increase in motivation that comes as a result of ingesting sugar.

However, if you are 65 or above, this does not mean you should just eat as much sugar as possible. The scientist underline that more research is necessary, before we can say whether sugar the healthy – and large quantities of sugar is still something to avoid.

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