Acid reflux and ulcer medication could have fatal consequences

Acid reflux and ulcer medication could have fatal consequences

Medications for acid reflux and ulcers are readily available as over-the-counter medication. However, these have been proven to have consequences; read more about the consequences in this article.

Proton-pump inhibitor

Ulcers and acid reflux are conditions which many have or will experience in their life, and the symptoms are often treated with the so-called ‘proton-pump inhibitors’. This type of medication relieves the symptoms, by reducing the secretion of stomach acid, from glands in the stomach lining; thereby increasing the pH in the stomach. This type of medication is readily available as over-the-counter medication and can be purchased without consulting a physician. However, research has shown that these drugs could have serious side effects, and that they are associated with the development of numerous serious conditions. It is therefore vital that patients only take medication when absolutely necessary, and for as short a period of time as possible. It is recommended that one consults a physician before initiating treatment. Recently, proton-pump inhibitors have been examined in numerous studies. These studies have had different objectives and have determined that proton-pump inhibitors can have harmful side effects if taken for an extended period of time. You can read more about the results of these studies in this article.


Kidney disease

A study has revealed that prolonged intake of proton-pump inhibitors can result in chronic kidney disease. Diminished kidney function is a serious condition and a physician will, under normal circumstances, advice the patient to immediately stop taking medication. However, this is predicated on the physician being familiar with the type of medication the patient is taking. The effects of kidney disease can manifest gradually and over a long period of time. Therefore, the symptoms may not be noticed by the patient. This can result in chronic kidney failure - an illness which can be difficult to treat. It is therefore important to consult a physician, if one considers taking this type of medication. Even if the patient does not experience symptoms of kidney disease, it may be important to consult a physician, who is able to properly determine whether the patient’s kidneys are healthy or not.


Intestinal infectious diseases

A recent study from Scotland has linked proton-pump inhibitors to an increased risk of contracting infections in the digestive system. Frequently, this involves the bacteria Clostridium difficile or Campylobacter. Test subjects who received proton-pump inhibitors, had either one and half or four and a half times higher risk of contracting intestinal infectious diseases from these bacteria, when compared to those who did not receive proton-pump inhibitors. It is therefore vital that patients who take this type of medication, maintain proper hygiene, especially when cooking food. The increased risk is a result of a decrease in the acidity of the stomach content, making the system less resistant to infections. Acids can kill numerous types of microorganism and are therefore a key factor in the systems ability to remain free of infections.


Cancer treatment

Proton-pump inhibitors have been shown to affect cancer treatment. A study of 545 patients suffering from cancer in the oesophagus or in the stomach, treated with ‘capecitabin’ chemotherapy, were divided into groups; one group who also received proton-pump inhibitors and another group who did not. Survival without exacerbation of the cancer and survival in general were compared within and between the groups. Here, survival without exacerbation was shortened by more than a month and survival in general by more than two months for those who received proton-pump inhibitors in addition to chemotherapy. The degree of disease control was also markedly reduced. The decreased effectiveness of chemotherapy in patients treated for ulcers is likely due to the increase in stomach pH during treatment, which mean the stomach content is less acidic than usual, this can affect the solution and absorptions of capecitabin. Additionally, further study of the same group of patients found, that their chances to be cured of cancer in the large intestine and the rectum was reduced.

Capecitabin is used in the treatment of various types of cancer, including cancer in the oesophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, and breasts. Results of this study are therefore important to a large group of cancer patients, since every day their lives can be prolonged, is of great significance. Many are unaware of the interactions between medications and even though proton-pump inhibitors are available over-the-counter, it is important to consult a physician to discuss treatment options; since not only ulcers and acid reflux, but cancer as well, can be treated effectively through other means, where these interactions are not present.




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