8 forms of exercise for you, who suffers from COPD

8 forms of exercise for you, who suffers from COPD

Even if you suffer from COPD and experience shortness of breath, exercise can be beneficial for both your breathing and psyche. Read on and be inspired by 8 forms of exercise, which are especially beneficial to those who suffers from COPD.

It is always important to warm up and stretch prior to exercising to avoid putting undue strain on the body and muscles during training. However, remember to consult your physician before you begin a new exercise routine.

  1. Take a walk – it has a positive effect on your COPD
  2. Cycling – it is good for you; be it on a stationary bike or in nature. Remember to stop if you experience shortness of breath or become ill at ease
  3. Weight training – Especially train your arms and legs by utilising your own body weight, water bottles, weights, or elastics (here it is especially important to consult your physician or personal trainer, as they can help you plan a program that fits you and ensure that you learn the proper techniques and avoid injuries)
  4. Breathing exercises – It can help improve how you handle trouble breathing
  5. Chair dance – Can be done in teams or at home in front of the TV. If you enjoy dancing, chair dance can be a safe and pleasurable way to raise the pulse without harming yourself.
  6. Tai Chi – A Chinese form of exercise, which is good for COPD patients, since it is a mild form of training, focussed on the heart and lungs. Tai Chi also tones your muscles and can help relieve stress
  7. Stretching – Should be done before and after training. Be especially aware of the muscle groups involved in your training
  8. Water aerobics – Can be beneficial for patients with mild COPD, since it does not require heavy lifting while the water steadies the body’s weight and reduce muscle fatigue.

1. https://www.webmd.com/lung/copd/ss/slideshow-copd-exercises
2. https://www.copdfoundation.org/What-is-COPD/Living-with-COPD/Exercise.aspx

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