6 reasons why you should eat plenty of spicy food

6 reasons why you should eat plenty of spicy food

If you can’t get enough chili in your salsa, there is good news! Because spicy foods are actually beneficial to your health.

Despite a burning sensation in your mouth, there is nothing unhealthy about eating spicy food. In fact, the strong hot spices are good for your healthy in a number of ways. Here are six reason why you should eat plenty of spicy food.


1. Spicy food makes you live longer

If you eat spicy food, research shows that you will, on average, live longer. In 2015, scientists from Harvard and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control discovered that people who eat spicy food six to seven times a week, has a lower mortality rate that others. In fact, the mortality rate in people, who eat spicy food, diminished by as much as 14 %, and you only need to eat it once a day to achieve this effect.


2. Spicy food makes you feel full faster

The stronger the chili con carne, the faster you will feel full. Spicy food leads to a greater feeling of being full than the same food without the spices – despite there being the same number of calories.

Furthermore, is it easier to cut down on the salt in your dish if it is spicy. Too much salt increases the risk of high blood pressure.


3. Chili strengthens the immune system

Due to the chili fruits high concentration of vitamin A and C, it can help strengthen the body’s immune system.

Vitamin A is necessary for the body to maintain the mucous layer in the eyes, intestines, airways, and urinary tract – all of which contribute to the body defence against bacteria.

Vitamin C, amount other things, protects against multiple carcinogens. Chili fruits contain three times the quantity of vitamin C, as an orange of the same size.


4. Chili can help you lose weight

Chili contains the compound capsaicin, which boosts the metabolism. Capsaicin is what gives the chili its spicy taste, and it is also the capsaicin that makes you feel warm and start sweating, when you eat chili.

Capsaicin affects our muscle cells to produce heat – even if we are at rest while eating.

The production of heat means that the metabolism has increased when we eat chili. Therefore, chili can be beneficial in boosting the metabolism, and it is therefore easier to lose weight if we eat chili.


5. Turmeric can combat inflammation

In some cases, turmeric can aid in combating inflammation. This is because turmeric contains the compound called curcumin, which is a natural drug that combats inflammation. Curcumin is also present in curry, in fact it is what gives curry and turmeric its yellow colour.

The only problem is that it requires large quantities of curcumin to reduce inflammation, and it can be difficult to consume sufficient turmeric to achieve this. Therefore, curcumin is also used in vitamin pills and dietary supplements.


6. Chili can protect the heart

Capsaicin – the same compound that boosts your metabolism – can also reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the body and increase excretion from the body. This means that the cholesterol count in the body is reduced. At the same time, capsaicin blocks the functionality of a gene, which causes the arteries to constrict – which allows for more blood to flow through the system.


1. https://www.healthline.com/health/five-reasons-to-eat-spicy-foods
2. https://www.bmj.com/content/351/bmj.h3942
3. https://www.dr.dk/levnu/mad/spis-bare-loes-chili-er-baade-staerk-og-sund
4. http://livsstil.tv2.dk/2015-06-30-saa-meget-chili-skal-man-spise-for-at-oe…
5. https://klogkost.dk/nyheder/fodevarer/urter/1217-5-grunde-til-at-spise-chi…
6. https://www.b.dk/sundhed/spis-staerkt-lev-sundt-krydret-mad-er-godt-for-he…
7. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/top-10-evidence-based-health-benefits…

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