4 reasons why you should remember to drink water during the summertime

4 reasons why you should remember to drink water during the summertime

Summer is upon us and when it is warm, the risk of dehydration is much greater. Here are four reasons why you should drink plenty of water during the summertime.

It is different from person to person, how much water we need. However, a rule of thump is that when it is warm, you should drink half again as much as you normally would.

The hotter it is, the more you sweat, and the faster you get dehydrated. But what actually happens if you don’t drink enough water? We have collected four good reasons, why you should remember to drink plenty of water during the summer.


1. To avoid a headache

A lack of water can cause a headache and even migraine in some people. This is because the brain needs liquid to function. When you don’t drink enough water, the brain shrinks – away from the skull – and thus causing a headache. At the same time, a lack of water can also cause dizziness. If you experience a headache, it is often advisable to drink water. Even if you are not sure dehydration is the cause.


2. Water enhances your physical capabilities

If you don’t make sure to drink enough water, it will affect your physical prowess – especially when it is warm. If the amount of water in your body is reduced by as little as 2 percent, you will feel tired and your body will be less durable.

When you are dehydrated, exercise will feel more strenuous than it actually is – both physically and mentally. If you are planning on going for a run in the heat, you will perform much better if drink plenty of water beforehand.


3. Dehydration affects the brain

Your brain is affected by a lack of water in the body. Research has shown that mild dehydration can impair different functions in the brain – and it can affect one’s mood. An American study from the University of Connecticut showed in that a 1,36 reduction in water, negatively affected concentration and mood in otherwise healthy women. A similar study was later performed on men and showed that a lack of water affected their memory and caused them to feel more anxious.


4. Water can help you lose weight

Water makes it easier to lose weight, as water can give make you feel full, causing you to eat less – and furthermore, water boosts the metabolism. Research shows that if drink a pint of water, the metabolism is increased to up to 30 percent in the following hour and a half.

This also means that if you drink two litres if water, you daily consumption of energy will be increased by 96 calories. Therefore, is it easier to lose weight if you drink enough water.


Yes, you can also drink too much water

Despite the many positive reasons to remember drinking plenty of water, you can also drink too much. If you drink too much water, you can end of with water poisoning. If you drink between four or five litres of water every day, you risk that your kidneys lose the ability to excrete urine from the body – this is what is called water poisoning. Water poisoning can cause dizziness, cramps, reduced sense of balance, and in rare cases death.

How much water you need varies and is based on your weight. A rule of thump is that you should drink the equivalent of a third of your weight in decilitres; if you weigh 60 kilos, you should drink about 20 decilitres, i.e. two litres every day. But it is not so important that you drink the exact amount of water you need. It is more important that you remember to drink water when you are thirsty - this can, occasionally, be difficult to remember in the summer heat.


1. https://samvirke.dk/artikler/skal-man-drikke-varmt-i-varmen
2. https://greatist.com/health/health-benefits-water
3. https://www.everydayhealth.com/water-health/water-body-health.aspx
4. https://www.livescience.com/38553-staying-hydrated-in-the-heat.html
5. https://food.ndtv.com/health/4-amazing-benefits-of-drinking-water-and-why-…
6. https://www.sundhedsguiden.dk/Alle-Nyheder/2017/9-tegn-paa-at-du-drikker-f…
7. https://samvirke.dk/artikler/kan-man-drikke-for-meget-vand

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